Welcome to Foundation - Rainbow Class
In Rainbow Class we enjoy exploring and learning through play. We follow the EYFS curriculum which helps develop curiosity and creativity as well as a willingness to 'have a go'. We also start learning to read and write and these skills help prepare us for when we move up into Year One.
During the year we have lots of fun with our Teacher Miss Penn and Teaching Assistants Mrs Everitt, Mrs Churchill and Mrs Clarke. We also have a session PE with our super coach Liam. Our class has two additional helpers, Big Bird and Rainbow Bear, who help make our learning fun.
We enjoys visiting the woods for forest school sessions on a regular basis. We also visit Ufton Court for a forest school day trip in the summer term where we get to toast our own marshmallows! Cooking is another of our favourite activities which we do throughout the year. We also try to visit the theatre and River and Rowing Museum during the year which help support our learning.
Please enjoy exploring our news items to see some of the fun things we get up to!
If you have any questions please contact the Foundation team via the school office on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.