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Simon Murray Author Visit - 30/01/25

We were very lucky to be able to invite Simon Murray (the author of Ickydoodah) to come in and work with the children in creating a character.  He visited each class to work with them on this and everyone was thoroughly mesmerised.  What a fantastic opportunity and some spontaneous reading and writing from it too. 

Reading Breakfast and Book Fair - 22/11/24

What an amazing turn out for our Book Fair and Reading Breakfast. We ran out of breakfast snacks very quickly and had a huge turnout. Thank you to the PTA parents who shared it in the WhatsApp parent groups. So far parents have raised £141 towards new books for school.

Reading Breakfast - 17/04/24

We hosted our first Reading Breakfast this week before school. This drop-in event provided the opportunity for families to come in and enjoy reading in a different way. Thank you to the PTA for buying pastries for those who came.

Reading Bingo Challenge

Long Lane Spring Reading Bingo Grid.pdf

We would like to introduce the Reading Bingo challenge linked above. We would like all children to enjoy this spring reading challenge at their own level and pace.  Children have until the end of the Easter holidays to complete as many of the challenges as they can.  Of course, these can be adapted to suit their age and level of reading to ensure that all children can join in. For example, adults can share books with children to enable them to access books they may not yet be able to read independently.  

Visit from Poet James Carter - 15/01/24

On Monday 15th January, we had a visit from poet James Carter. He supported children with writing different types of poems from kennings to cinquains. A finale performance was then held in the hall at the end of the day. A huge thanks to the PTA for funding this fantastic experience. 

Stay and Read - 20/11/23

It was great to see so many parents and family members come in to classes at the end of the day to sit and read with the children. This included reading one to one, in small groups and joining in with whole class reading sessions. Children in Rainbow class also enjoyed having family members in to stay and play. 

2023 Celebrating World Book Day

On Friday 3rd March pupils and staff  dressed up as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day - everyone looked amazing!