Physical Education (PE), School Sport and Physical Activity
“By setting goals, working hard, and remaining positive, you can achieve anything.”
Aaron Phipps - Paralympic Wheelchair Rugby Olympic Champion
Local Context:
Long Lane Primary is a Community School, built in 1966 and maintained by West Berkshire Council. It is a member of the West Berkshire School Sports Network and has good links with other Primary and Secondary schools in the local area as well as local sports clubs. This helps to provide opportunities for plenty of extra-curricular and out-of-school opportunities for children to participate in sport and physical activity whilst at Long Lane and further into the future. It is widely known and acknowledged that many ex-pupils go on to the local Secondary schools and participate in a wide variety of sports clubs and teams as well as further develop as leaders. In addition, many go on to gain recognition through awards given out for various achievements and successes in sport and physical activity.
(Please see Curriculum Policy.docx for details of Cultural Capital at Long Lane)
At Long Lane Primary School, physical education (PE), school sport and physical activity is an important part of our curriculum and school life. As a result, we aim:
- to provide an inclusive, engaging and progressive physical education curriculum so that all children confidently develop the knowledge, skills and competence to participate and excel in a range of sports and physical activities, thus enabling all to achieve their personal best.
- to provide all children with the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities, both within our school and the wider community.
- to have a positive impact on children’s health and wellbeing including their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development, while fostering a love of physical activity, and a resounding resilience, which they will carry forward as they move through life.
- to create aspirational sportspersons that go on to enjoy and compete in the wider community for pleasure.
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
We follow the national curriculum to deliver a high-quality experience that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
To ensure we can follow through with our intent and the national curriculum requirements, we have identified three key strands to develop within our school:
1. Enhancing the quality of PE lessons
2. Developing school sport opportunities
3. Promoting a healthy, active lifestyle.
Early Years – Pupils start at Long Lane with a wide variety of outside and active play opportunities that are developed by staff and focus on gross motor skills through exploration. This gives them the basic tools to support a balanced and broad curriculum of physical skills. The formal PE curriculum is also accessed by our youngest pupils with outside activities such as; games skills, teamwork, orienteering and May pole dancing.
- Enhancing the quality of PE lessons
PE, school sport and physical activity is planned and delivered so that we meet our intent and aims as outlined above. Units of work and lessons are planned and delivered using the Complete PE scheme of work, Teach Active (Active Maths and English) and our own planning for particular units of work including dance and gymnastics which have cross-curricular links to topics studied by a year group. The curriculum is successfully designed and implemented to ensure children show that they are learning and progressing by performing their skills, knowledge and understanding in a wide range of physical activities and sports. This is from the start of the child’s Long Lane journey in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and developed, challenged and enhanced as they progress through school. Using the Complete PE scheme of work increases the range of physical activities and sports offered, as well as ensuring the repetition and application of particular skills and knowledge of learning across year groups – this results in the opportunity for all children to develop competence and confidence as well as enjoy and excel within a broad range of activities. In addition, part of the children’s social and emotional development includes the opportunity to lead and coach each other which is further developed in Year 5 through the Leadership Skills Foundation PlayMaker Award.
As well as delivering some of the extra-curricular sport and physical activity opportunities on offer, a sports coach and other specialist coaches are employed to work alongside and support teachers to deliver the curriculum. Additional support or CPD is also available and promoted to all staff to further develop their knowledge and skills in particular areas. This increased expertise of the teaching staff will result in them becoming more confident when delivering high quality PE lessons and being able to adapt accordingly, to meet the needs of the children.
- Developing school sport opportunities
Our curriculum design and extra-curricular offering allows for children to experience a range of different sport and physical activity opportunities across their time at Long Lane. Children are offered a wide range of clubs including tag rugby, netball, football, ballet, basketball and Energy Club (led by Year 6 Sports Ambassadors). The PE Coordinator (alongside the Sports Ambassadors) also provides additional enrichment and competitive activities for all pupils on a termly basis – these activities include tag rugby, orienteering, striking and fielding. Furthermore, targeted groups of children such as Pupil Premium, SEND and Gifted and Talented also receive additional opportunities to take part in different activities such as archery, boccia etc. All of the above provides children with an opportunity to not only experience a range of activities and experiences but also gives all children the chance to compete against peers.
The PE Coordinator also delivers competitive events for all year groups against other schools including tag rugby and rounders. As a member of the West Berkshire Sports Network, we are also able to access a range of sports events which range from Alternative Olympics, Archery, Speed Stacking, Tag Rugby, Cross Country, Multiskills, Netball, Cricket etc. A wide range of physical activity and sport opportunities allows for a greater range of pupils to participate in competitive experiences across their time at Long Lane. The opportunities provided through the West Berkshire Sports Network and those provided by the PE Coordinator, support the additional aim that all children in Year 6 will access one or more competitive sporting events against other schools in the year before they leave – thus further strengthening their enjoyment of sport and physical activity which they can take forward with them to Secondary School.
- Promoting a healthy, active lifestyle
Being physically active is a key part of our whole school ethos. Through the explicit teaching of PE as well as clubs, active lessons and break and lunchtimes, we provide the opportunities for pupils to develop a love of physical activity across the whole school day. Children benefit from an appealing outdoor environment and a range of equipment available to enjoy active break and lunch times – creative play is developed throughout the EYFS, Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. Teach Active (Active Maths and English) is implemented across the school to encourage children to be physically active in lessons. This approach is research-led with a proven impact on raising enjoyment, self-esteem and achievement, increases levels of physical activity, allows children to meet and exceed government recommendations in a purposeful way, supports whole child development including mental health and wellbeing and is recognised in developing social skills, teamwork, resilience, determination, and happiness.
(Please see Teaching for Learning Policy 2023.docx for details of Learning Behaviours, Inclusion and Rosenshine Principles at Long Lane)
In PE, children show that they are learning and progressing by performing their skills, knowledge and understanding in a wide range of physical activities and sports. They build on previous years’ learning and develop competence and confidence as well enjoy and excel within a broad range of activities.
Pupil Assessment and Attainment
Formative assessments are carried out during lessons, mainly through observations alongside discussion with the children. This assessment forms part of planning for subsequent lessons and is also recorded on the Complete PE learning portal as summative assessments. A key feature of assessment of learning is children taking control of their own learning, facilitated by the teacher. Self and peer assessment is therefore used so that the children know what success looks like and their next steps to move them on in their learning. Photographic/video recordings are sometimes used to document and showcase the children’s work. Conducting Pupil and Staff Voice surveys with the children and staff gives the coordinator a true perspective and also helps to assess the impact of the curriculum.
Teachers use Assessment for Learning strategies to ensure that children understand what they are being taught within a context and ‘know more and remember more’ of the key knowledge and skills outlined in each objective. These will include; mini quizzes, questioning, discussions and observations (including video and photography), peer assessment and appreciation, Think Pair Share. Teacher assessment occurs throughout teaching and learning with support implemented where appropriate. (see Teaching for Learning Policy linked below)
EYFS pupils' progress and attainment is assessed by the FS class teacher in the context of the EYFS framework and ELGs.
Monitoring and School Improvement Planning
The PE Lead, the Head Teacher, and the Governors regularly review and quality assure Physical Education across the school to ensure that it is implemented sufficiently well in line with the National Curriculum Objectives and the 5 key indicators for the use of the PE and Sports Premium for Primary Schools.
Impact is measured through monitoring activities, including; learning walks, questionnaires to staff, pupil voice, looking at evidence of pupil’s work, teacher assessments and any other relevant evidence. In addition, they evaluate the impact and plans for future development of the subject for pupils and staff, utilising action plans, looking to develop new opportunities, refine current practice, plan CPD for staff and feed into the School Improvement Plan (where appropriate) from where Performance Management and school priorities stem.
Linked Policies – This policy sits under the following two umbrella policies;
Teaching for Learning Policy 2023.docx
Please see the documents below for more information about our curriculum:
LL PE - Intent, Implementation and Impact.docx
LL PE - Curriculum Coverage 2024-2025.pdf
LL PE - Curriculum Content 2024-2025.pdf
LL PE - Progression of Skills and Knowledge.pdf
Please click here for details of our Sports Clubs being run this term.
Follow the link to see how we have been using the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding to meet our aims for PE, Sport and Physical Activity at Long Lane.