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We hope you enjoy reading about our trips and activities.

All news relating to Sports, Maths, English, Science and The Arts can be found on the subject pages. Click here for all the news from across the school.

Year 1 Trip to Bucklebury Farm Park - 21/06/24

On Friday 21st June, Year 1 went on an adventure to Bucklebury Farm Park. The trip is linked to our learning about animals and life cycles. Kev took us for a ride on the tractor and trailer. He told us about the deer and what happens to their antlers. We were lucky enough to see a deer that was less than 1 day old. The children were able to feed the deer. Sven was very funny. He stuck his tongue out to get the food. The children were able to meet and stroke (if they wanted to) a goat, chicken and guinea pig. Jasmine told us what each animal liked to eat and we had to work out each animal's home. After lunch, we walked around the rest of the farm and met the pigs, rabbits, donkeys, a shetland pony and saw more goats. A very enjoyable time was had by all.

Year 1/2 Great Fire of London Day - 14/06/24

The children were taken back to the 17th century where they experienced life for the Londoners during 1666. The children visited different stations with each adult where they made things based on jobs of people in 1666 (weaver, tailor, candle maker, leather maker). The children became archaeologists and had to dig up clues and piece them all together to work out what job and what kind of house each family would have lived in. All of the children had a fantastic day and were smiling from ear to ear.

2023 Year 1 Visit Bucklebury Farm Park


On 6th JulyYear 1 enjoyed an amazing day at Bucklebury Farm Park learning about all the farm animals. The children saw goats, pigs, sheep and lots more animlas. They were able to touch rabbits and  they enjoyed a tractor ride in the deer park where they feed the deer.

2023 Year 1 Visit Pikeshaw Woods - Winter

Year 1 enjoyed a walk to Pikeshaw Woods. They worked together to identify plants, trees and animals in the woods.


2022 A Magical Christmas Journey

This week Years 1 & 2 brilliantly perfomed their play - A Magical Christmas Journey.

Thank you to everyone for all the hardwork putting on these fabulous productions. 

2022 Year 1 & 2 Pantomime Trip

On the 13th December Year 1 & 2 visited the Hexagon for this year’s pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. Everyone had a fantastic time! It was great to see the children dancing and cheering along. It was also really lovely to see one of our ex-pupils in the cast!

KS1 Christmas Party


For Years 1 & 2.

2022 Year 1 Visit Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre

On Thursday 20th October, Year 1 visited Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre  to learn about Autumn. Whilst blind folded they used their senses to smell, feel & hear autumn. They learnt about animals that hibernate, made a bird feeder and played lots of autumn games. Even though it was pouring down with rain the children had an absolutely amazing time.


2022 Year 1 Visit Bucklebury Farm Park

On 29th March Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic day at Bucklebury Farm Park learning about all the farm animals. The visit included:

  • Pet a Pet -  the children were able touch rabbits, guinea pigs and a tortoise
  • Farm tour - they learnt about and fed sheep, alpacas, ponies and pigs
  • Tractor ride and deer park tour - they were able to feed the deer
  • Woodland walk and free play in the playground plus many goes on the big slide!!

A great day the children learnt so much and had a lot of fun.

2022 Queen For a Day Tea Party

Year 1 and 2 children enjoyed treating their special people to a ‘Queen For a Day’ tea party on Wednesday 23rd March.  Family members enjoyed being presented with a crown, and served lovingly decorated cakes and biscuits. The royal visitors were also treated to moving performances by both classes. 

Thank you to everyone who attended, it was lovely to welcome so many of you into school for the afternoon and the children were so thrilled and excited to arrange this for you.
Here are some of the comments from parents following the event: 
  • "Mrs Straker & Miss Penn, thank you both so much for putting together such a lovely tea party for us parents. It was clear you and the little ones went to such a huge effort and it was a really beautiful afternoon and so special to be able to come in and share a school event with you all. Many thanks again.”  
  • "I’m still emotional looking back on my videos of their performances and their beautiful artwork! Thank you for making some lovely memories today. We are really lucky to have you teaching our children, thank you so much for all that you do."
  • "I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the effort and time you all put into the Mother’s Day tea party yesterday! Jack and I had a fabulous time and it was a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate the wonderful relationships we have with our children.”
  • "After filming their performance (for my own use of course), I can’t watch it without tears, it really felt like a very special moment being able to see them sing like they did and what a fabulous choice of song!”
  • "The children were absolutely thrilled to put on such a party and it meant so much to all of us mums, thank you so so much!  Long Lane is such a fabulous school and KS1 teachers are simply the best!” 

2022 Year 1 Visit Pikeshaw Woods - Spring

On 17th March Year 1 enjoyed a spring walk to Pikeshaw Woods. They used their observational skills to identify plants, trees and animals in the woods as well as spotting the seasonal changes between winter and spring.

2022 Year 1 Visit Pikeshaw Woods - Winter

On 2nd February Year 1 enjoyed a winter walk to Pikeshaw Woods. They used their observational skills to identify plants, trees and animals in the woods as well as seeing the seasonal changes.


Our Classes


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