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Year 3 Baylab Trip - 23/05/24

Year 3 had a wonderful time on their trip to Baylab. The children enjoyed their workshop on 'dyes and pigments' and learnt about how we see colour. They even mixed their own paints and took samples home! 

Y2 Baylab Trip - Bees and Honey - 16/05/24

Y2 had a fantastic time on their trip this week. Their behaviour was outstanding on the journey and during our time at Baylab. The children enjoyed learning about bees and other types of pollinators and how we can protect them. The children conducted some experiments where they made seed balls and candles.

Science Week: 11th-17th March 2024

As well as the usual Science lessons, classes took part in the Big Plastic Count as part of Science Week. 

2023 Bright Sparks Science Assembly


On Moday 30th January we had a fun assembly visit from Nitro-Jen from BrightSparks Science who is running a Juniors Science Club after half term.  Please see the letter below and the clubs page for details on how to sign up to the club.

Bright Sparks Science Club letter T4 2022-23.pdf

Science Week Reading Challenge

Click here for more deails

LOGO LIFT OFF - Reminder

Did you know that from 2022, rockets will be launching into space from spaceports in the UK for the very first time? The UK Space Agency is celebrating this exciting news with a new STEAM-focused competition for kids aged between 4 and 11 years old.

They are asking children from each nation of the UK to design a logo which will go on rockets launched from the UK next year! This will help promote the UK’s spaceflight programme and celebrate the mission these satellites have in helping to protect our planet from climate change.

Regional winners will pitch their designs to a panel of friendly judges who will choose the overall winner whose design will be chosen to go on rockets launching from UK spaceports.
All entrants will receive their very own certificate and regional winners will also receive a special prize!

The competition is open until the 11th March 2022

Click here to find out more information