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Year 5/6 House Tag Rugby Competition - 18/10/24

A lovely afternoon on the field saw Year 5 and 6 compete in a house tag rugby competition. Two competitions going on at the same time with lots of great teamwork and individual skills. Both Unicorn teams won all their matches but Phoenix played some of the best team rugby. It was also brilliant to see so many children being confident enough to referee and score.

PTA Events

See the photos below for upcoming PTA events such as the annual quiz and community gardening day. Your support is much appreciated.


Year 3/4 Tag Rugby House Competition - 11/10/24

A fantastic afternoon of tag rugby on the field as Year 3 and 4 took part in a house competition refereed and scored by 8 Year 6 leaders. Lots of skills demonstrated from PE lessons in a competitive, but fun, spirit. Combined results from the two competitions saw Phoenix come out on top.

Y5/6 ESFA Boys Football Competition - 08/10/24

A team of boys from Year 6 took part in the ESFA football competition at a rather wet Francis Baily. They won their first two games: 2-0 and 2-1 before losing their third 1-0 in a closely-fought game. They didn't let this disappointment impact them and won their last game 5-0 to finish second in the group. This might be enough to see them qualify for the next stage.

Year 1/2 House Tag Rugby Event - 04/10/24

All children from Year 1 and 2 took part in a carousel of tag rugby related activities led by the Sports Ambassadors. They got the chance to learn new skills including tagging, ball carrying, scoring a try as well as applying lots of other skills. Lots of smiles and plenty of running around! 

Year 5/6 Girls ESFA Football Competition - 03/10/24

A team of girls from Year 5 and 6 took part in the ESFA football competition against three other schools at Francis Baily. They won their first game 5-0 before also winning their second game 2-1. Their final game saw them take on a strong team who beat us 4-0. A fantastic team performance - coming second place overall might see us progress to the next round.

Year 2 Multiskills Festival - 02/10/24

12 children from Year 2 took part in the Multiskills Festival at Theale Green this week. We took two teams of children and they came 2nd and 3rd place- what an achievement! The children thoroughly enjoyed trying new sports such as kurling, boccia, cup stacking, mini golf and lots more! Well done Y2 for showing such great sportsmanship.

Year 6 House Captains and Sports Ambassadors 2024-2025

Congratulations to the Year 6 children that have been chosen to be House Captains and Sports Ambassadors this year. It was a tough decision as all children have demonstrated the skills needed to fulfill these important roles. Those chosen have already led assemblies as well as supporting the lunchtime staff to deliver active breaks.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school for a new year. We hope you had a fantastic summer break and are raring to go.

Year 4 Living Rainforest Trip - 16/07/24

It was a day of learning in hot and humid conditions; sounds awful? Not for Year 4 who enriched their Science and Geography learning about the world's rainforest habitat, met real animals from the regions and were amazed by the adaptations of plants and animals. 

Guitar and Voice Concert - 17/07/24

Family and friends were treated by our guitarists, pianists and a flautist in a concert of solo and ensemble performances.  Some of the guitarists have only been playing a matter of months.  Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to Gill McCoy, our peripatetic guitar and voice teacher, for putting this together; we are looking forward to many more!

Year 2 Multiskills @ Theale Green - 17/07/24

Year 2 had a fantastic time at the Multi-Skills event at Theale Green School on Wednesday. They all worked incredibly well as a team and supported each other throughout the different challenges. They enjoyed archery, curling, cup stacking and mini-golf! 

Y5/6 Tilehurst Olympics - 17/07/24

26 children from Year 5 and 6 took part in the now annual Tilehurst Olympics at Palmer Park. Events ranged from 800m to discus to 100m relays. The team performed superbly in every single event - perseverance in abundance and really demonstrating our motto of 'Strive to Succeed'. So many fantastic individual performances that contributed to a final team total of over 2,300 points! 

PTA Summer Fair

A huge thanks to the PTA for raising an incredible amount of money for the school.

Aaron Phipps Update - 12/07/24

After watching the odes, Aaron Phipps sent a reply to us to let us know what he is up to in preparation for the Paris Paralympics next month. We also found out that he is now the face of Channel 4's advert for their coverage of the games. 

Aaron's reply to LL: Aaron Phipps Update - July 2024.mp4

Year 5 odes to Aaron: Odes to Aaron Phipps 2024 Website

Channel 4 Paralympics advert:

Year 5 Trip to Wokingham Waterside Centre - 11th and 12th July 2024

Year 5 had two fantastic activity days at Wokingham Waterside Centre. We did kayaking, dragon boating, raft building, kata-canoeing and paddleboarding. Lots of new skills learnt and plenty of smiles and laughter! See our letters to WWC to tell them about our experience. Year 5 Long Lane Primary Letters to WWC.pdf

Year 5 Odes to Aaron Phipps - 01/07/24

Year 5 have been learning about ancient Greek odes as part of our English and history study. We decided to write, perform and video edit our own odes for our great friend, Aaron Phipps, who will be competing in the wheelchair rugby at the Paris Paralympics this summer. We hope to inspire him to another gold medal at the games. Click on the link to see our odes: Odes to Aaron Phipps 2024 Website

Year 6 Rounders Competition - 28/06/24

13 children from Year 6 took part in a rounders competition against three other schools. The team won their first two games and lost their final game. It was a fantastic afternoon full of great individual skills, superb teamwork and plenty of smiles/laughter!

Year 4/5/6 Basketball v Francis Baily - 27/06/24

Two teams of children from Year 4/5/6 competed against Francis Baily in basketball on Thursday after school. Competitive games saw both Long Lane teams come first and second overall.

Sports Day - 26/06/24

A fantastic sports day for the school was held in rather hot conditions. The morning saw the infants take part in various races with all children giving their all and having fun. The afternoon saw the juniors taking part in more competitive events with Phoenix coming out as eventual champions.

Year 1 Trip to Bucklebury Farm Park - 21/06/24

On Friday 21st June, Year 1 went on an adventure to Bucklebury Farm Park. The trip is linked to our learning about animals and life cycles. Kev took us for a ride on the tractor and trailer. He told us about the deer and what happens to their antlers. We were lucky enough to see a deer that was less than 1 day old. The children were able to feed the deer. Sven was very funny. He stuck his tongue out to get the food. The children were able to meet and stroke (if they wanted to) a goat, chicken and guinea pig. Jasmine told us what each animal liked to eat and we had to work out each animal's home. After lunch, we walked around the rest of the farm and met the pigs, rabbits, donkeys, a shetland pony and saw more goats. A very enjoyable time was had by all.

Year 6 Residential @ PGL Liddington - 19th-21st June 2024

Year 6 had a fantastic few days at PGL in Liddington. They took part in so many different activities which required individual bravery as well as the ability to work together successfully in a team. The sun was shining and everyone had an amazing time. A huge thanks to Mrs Hazell, Miss Gardiner, Mrs Mileham and Mrs Baber for supporting the children. 

Year 4 and 5 Netball @ Downsway - 21/06/24

Two teams of children from Year 4 and 5 went up to Downsway for an afternoon of netball. This consisted of some skills and drills with our netball coach Mrs Walls and some friendly, but competitive, matches against Downsway. We are looking forward to all these children attending netball club next year as well as taking part in more competitions. 

Year 1/2 Great Fire of London Day - 14/06/24

The children were taken back to the 17th century where they experienced life for the Londoners during 1666. The children visited different stations with each adult where they made things based on jobs of people in 1666 (weaver, tailor, candle maker, leather maker). The children became archaeologists and had to dig up clues and piece them all together to work out what job and what kind of house each family would have lived in. All of the children had a fantastic day and were smiling from ear to ear.

Year 5/6 History Squad Visitor - 17/06/24

Year 5 and 6 had a visit from the History Squad. The morning saw an ancient Egyptian teach Year 6 about the pyramids and mummification and the afternoon saw an ancient Greek discuss the city-states and the many conflicts that took place. An enjoyable and educational day.

KS2 Girls Football Tournament - 13/06/24

Two teams of girls from Y3/4 and Y5/6 took part in the annual Tilehurst Panthers football tournament. The Y3/4 team played 6 - winning 3, drawing 1 and losing 2. The Y5/6 team played 8 - winning 3, drawing 1 and losing 4. They all performed fantastically - showing superb individual skills and great teamwork. A big thanks to all the parents that braved the lovely June conditions to support the teams.

Year 3/4 House Rounders Competition - 07/06/24

All children from Year 3 and 4 took part in a house rounders competition. For many, it involved lots of new skills and learning the rules as they played. Lots of tight games eventually saw Phoenix and Dragon finish as joint winners. 

KS2 Dynamos Cricket Competition - 04/06/24

A team of children from across KS2 took part in a cricket competition against other primary schools @ Douai Abbey. They won their group stage matches against Pangbourne and Francis Baily which meant they then went in to the finals against two other schools. They beat Hermitage in a tight game and lost to St Nics in a tough game. This means they came 2nd out of 9 teams and have qualified for the county finals in July. A fantastic performance by the whole team.

Year 3 Baylab Trip - 23/05/24

Year 3 had a wonderful time on their trip to Baylab. The children enjoyed their workshop on 'dyes and pigments' and learnt about how we see colour. They even mixed their own paints and took samples home! 

Year 1&2 Striking and Fielding Event - 24/05/24

All children from Year 1 & 2 took part in a striking and fielding event on the field. They rotated around 4 different stations which involved skills related to rounders and cricket. This was led by the Sports Ambassadors and thre rest of Year 6 who supported a very enojyable afternoon.

Rock Steady Workshops - 24/05/24

We were lucky enough to have some musical workshops from Rock Steady in preparation for weekly sessions coming soon. They will be offering children the opportunity to be part of a band and have weekly band practise.

Year 5 DT Day at Pangbourne College - 20/05/24

Year 5 had a fantastic day at Pangbourne College designing and making watch keyrings. They used a variety of tools such as hacksaws, files, drills to create their products. It was a great opportunity to experience what DT will look like when they go to Secondary School.

Y2 Baylab Trip - Bees and Honey - 16/05/24

Y2 had a fantastic time on their trip this week. Their behaviour was outstanding on the journey and during our time at Baylab. The children enjoyed learning about bees and other types of pollinators and how we can protect them. The children conducted some experiments where they made seed balls and candles.

Year 5 & 6 Rounders House Competition - 17/05/24

A lovely afternoon for a Year 5/6 house rounders competition - especially after a week of SATs tests. Lots of closely fought games but Unicorn came out on top!

Year 3 & 4 Football Tournament @ Downsway - 16/05/24

A team of children from Year 3 & 4 took part in a football competition at Downsway. They played fantastically well together and subsequently won 6-0, 6-0, 3-0 and 1-0! 

Year 6 SATs - May 2024

Well done to all of Year 6 for managing to get through SATs week - we are very proud of you!

School Games Gold Mark - 2023/2024

We are delighted to have been awarded the 2023-2024 Gold School Games Mark award again for our commitment to ensuring engagement in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity. We are continuing to develop and succeed with regards to high-quality PE, clubs, intra-house competitions, inter-school competitions, inclusion, active learning, young leaders etc.

Family Volunteer Day - 11/05/24

A great day on Saturday with over 15 families coming and supporting on our gardening day.  It was absolutely fantastic and everyone worked their socks off to get lots of things done.  Lots of gardening, cleaning of the outdoor classroom and painting the outside, clearing all the sheds and rearranging the equipment. It was a lovely day for it. Thanks to the PTA and all families and staff that attended!

Year 4 Tri-Golf @ Theale Green - 08/05/24

Year 4 children took part in a Tri-Golf competition against 9 other teams at Theale Green school in glorious sunshine. Team Golden Golfers (as they named themselves) had a lot of fun; scoring a whopping 130 points by using golfing skills such as chipping. driving, putting etc.

Year 3/4 Tag Rugby v Other Schools - 03/05/24

A team of children from Year 3 and 4 took part in a tag rugby competition at Long Lane against three other schools. Fantastic skills and teamwork saw them beat Downsway 8-5, Westwood Farm 14-3 and Birch Copse 7-5. Huge thanks to the Year 6 children who refereed superbly too!

Year 5 Alan Turing Video Biographies - 02/05/24

As part of the English, History and Computing curriculum, Year 5 have planned, filmed and edited video biographies about the life and achievements of codecracking genius and World War Two hero, Alan Turing. Click on the link to watch some of these videos and learn more about this amazing man. 2023-2024 Year 5 Alan Turing Video Biographies

Year 3 Visit Ufton Court - 25/04/24

Year 3 launched their new Roman Britain topic with a visit to Ufton Court on Thursday 25th April. They spent the day with Roman citizen 'Samius' and tested out three Roman occupations: auger, soldier and craftsman. Which occupation do you think was their favourite?

Year 5/6 Football @ Pangbourne College - 25/04/24

A team of children participated in a football competition at Pangbourne College. There were plenty of close games with the team just losing out by the odd goal in the first three games before losing on penalties in their 4th game. They then finished off strongly with a 10-1 win.

Year 5/6 Netball Finals - 24/04/24

A team of netballers took part in the local area finals day in Newbury. There were some extremely tough games against schools with more experience but they never gave up and ended up finishing the tournament with a win and a draw. This saw us finish 7th out of 10 teams.

Year 5 Playmaker Award Activity Sessions to Year 2 - 18/04/24

Year 5 completed their @LshipSkillsFdn Playmaker Award by delivering an activity session to groups of children from Year 2. They took on board all the learning related to P.A.C.E and created their own exciting games. Brilliant to see confident leaders!

Year 4 and 5 Cross Country @ Pangbourne College - 17/04/24

Six children from Year 4 and 5 took part in a cross country competition at Pangbourne College.  It was a great event with many schools. Long Lane gained 1st place (well done Jax) and a number of other top finishing positions. Fantastic performances all!

Reading Breakfast - 17/04/24

We hosted our first Reading Breakfast this week before school. This drop-in event provided the opportunity for families to come in and enjoy reading in a different way. Thank you to the PTA for buying pastries for those who came.

Year 4 Visit Hampton Court - 22/03/24

Year 4 visited Hampton Court to further deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Tudor period. They experienced many of the different rooms as well as the extensive gardens of the palace.

Year 5/6 Netball League - 25/03/24

A team of children from Year 5 and 6 played matches against two other schools. For all, it was their first competitive netball action and they performed fantastically - they won one and lost one and have got through to finals day in April.

Year 2 Tag Rugby Event - 22/03/24

A group of children from Year 2 took part in a tag rugby event with three other schools. They started by learning some tagging and ball skills through fun games before having a tag rugby match against another school.

Year 5 Milestones Museum Trip - 21/03/24

Year 5 had a fantastic trip to Milestones Museum to further develop their knowledge of all things WW2 related. They met an ARP warden as well as a nurse before having time to explore and visit the sweet shop with their ration books.

KS2 Wellbeing Event - 19/03/24

20 children from KS2 took part in a wellbeing event led by James Mandry from the West Berkshire School Sports Network. They learnt about determination, setting goals and working together as a team.

Science Week: 11th-17th March 2024

As well as the usual Science lessons, classes took part in the Big Plastic Count as part of Science Week. 

Red Nose Day 2024 - Friday 15th March 2024

Children wore something red to help raise money for Red Nose Day. It was fantastic to see so much red to help brighten up a dull day.

KS2 Cross Country @ Newbury Showground - 12/03/24

30 children from KS2 took part in the annual cross country event at Newbury Showground. With over 1,500 children taking part, our lot represented the school amazingly showing perseverance and pacing themselves to ensure they made it round to the best of their ability. 

Children's Mental Health Week and Internet Safety Day - February 2024

Children joined in lots of activities related to Children's Mental Health Week and Internet Safety Day across the week. This included a dress down day, discussing the pros and cons of social media as well as creating videos related to 'My Voice Matters'.

Rainbow Class Orienteering - 09/02/24

Rainbow class enjoyed an afternoon of orienteering activities - they had to create face maps as well as match numbers to characters on flags spread around the playground. Lots of great teamwork and plenty of smiles!

Reading Bingo Challenge

Long Lane Spring Reading Bingo Grid.pdf

We would like to introduce the Reading Bingo challenge linked above. We would like all children to enjoy this spring reading challenge at their own level and pace.  Children have until the end of the Easter holidays to complete as many of the challenges as they can.  Of course, these can be adapted to suit their age and level of reading to ensure that all children can join in. For example, adults can share books with children to enable them to access books they may not yet be able to read independently.  

World War Two Bullet Coin

Felicity from Year 5 brought in this coin which has an absolutely amazing story. It saved her great grandad's friend's life when it stopped a bullet during World War Two.

KS1 Speed Stacking - 07/02/24

Six Y2 children took part in a cup stacking event at Theale Green. The children have never took part in a competition like this before but they supported each other and worked well as a team. They came 2nd place out of 6 schools with 211 points!


Year 5 Leadership Skills Foundation Playmaker Award - Spring 2024

Year 5 have started their @LshipSkillsFdn Playmaker Award this term. They have been working on developing such skills as effective communication when leading others.

KS2 Speed Stacking - 31/01/24

Six children from Year 5 attended a Speed Stacking event at Theale Green School. They had a really good time and demonstrated such good teamwork and support for each other.  For some of these children it was their first time representing the school in an event like this.

Year 1/2 Orienteering - 02/02/24

All children from Year 1 and 2 had a great time working collaboratively to use cones to make different face maps as well as finding flags marked on a map of the school field.

Year 5 Denefield Mental Health Workshop - 30/01/24

Two students came from Denefield to deliver a mental health workshop to children in Year 5. Children created their own 'Worry Jars' where they wrote positive affirmations to put inside.


Year 3/4 Orienteering - 26/01/24

All children from Year 3 and 4 took part in orienteering activities around the school grounds. They had to use maps to locate coloured flags and work out the answers to maths questions written on white flags. It was a fun afternoon with all children mixed up with children they wouldn't usually work with - many of our Secrets of Success demonstrated throughout.

Year 5 WW2 Evacuation Day - 22/01/24

Year 5 went back 84 years to World War Two to experience what school life was like for an evacuee. They took part in a variety of lessons as well as drill, rations cookery, air raid sirens and even trying spam and corned beef. 

Year 5/6 Orienteering - 19/01/24

Year 5 and 6 took part in some orienteering around the school grounds. They had to work in teams using maps to locate flags as well as practising their maths calculation skills to answer questions and work out a final total. Some great teamwork and perseverance!

Visit from Poet James Carter - 15/01/24

On Monday 15th January, we had a visit from poet James Carter. He supported children with writing different types of poems from kennings to cinquains. A finale performance was then held in the hall at the end of the day. A huge thanks to the PTA for funding this fantastic experience. 

Year 5/6 Denefield Shield - 16/01/24

A team of children from Year 6 + Henry from Year 5 took part in the annual Denefield Shield. Fantastic performances saw them win three matches and lose just one - this resulted in them coming 2nd out of 5 schools. Brilliant teamwork and skills on show.

Year 6 Archery Event - 11/01/24

A team of girls from Year 6 took part in an event at Theale Green School which challenged their aim through various archery and nerf gun related activities. Great teamwork and accurate shooting saw them end up in 2nd place out of 12 teams - a superb performance!

Elf-lympics - 08/12/23

All children took part in a sponsored PTA Elf-lympics led by the Sports Ambassadors and House Captains. 12 festive activities around the track saw everyone have lots of fun!



Lunchtime Supervisors and Young Leaders Workshop - 08/12/23

A group of children from Year 4, 5 and 6 joined the Lunchtime Supervisors for a morning's training session delivered by Hampshire Outdoors. Lots of new games, ideas and activities have been learnt so that both adults and children can help support active and enjoyable lunchtimes. 

PTA Christmas Events - Thanks!

A huge thanks to the PTA for all the fantastic Christmas events they have put on for the children over the last week. Multiple discos, an Elfridges shop and Elf-lympics to name a few. It is much appreciated.

Year 5 Fire Brigade Visit - 05/12/23

Year 5 had their annual visit from the Royal Berkshire Fire Service - they learnt about fire safety as well as the role of the fire brigade and different emergencies they have to respond to. Lots of fantastic questions and responses from the class.

Year 5 Realism Art Study - Autumn 2023

Year 5 have been immersed in a realism art project this term. They have studied the artist Dennis Wojtkiewicz, learnt skills and techniques related to realism and then created their own piece in a similar style. 

Archery Event - 24/11/23

A group of children from across all year groups took part in an archery event in the hall. It took a while to get their aim right but then lots of team games saw many a bullseye and lots of points being scored. It was a fun afternoon learning new skills.

PTA Festive Events - November/December 2023

Please see the newsletter for all the information regarding the PTA's festive events. Festive Events 2023.pdf

Year 6 Alternate Olympics Event - 22/11/23

A team of children from Year 6 took part in an Alternate Olympics event at Theale Green School. They performed fantastically and were particularly successful at the seated volleyball and archery activities. Their final points score saw them finish joint first in their group - this meant gold medals!

Stay and Read - 20/11/23

It was great to see so many parents and family members come in to classes at the end of the day to sit and read with the children. This included reading one to one, in small groups and joining in with whole class reading sessions. Children in Rainbow class also enjoyed having family members in to stay and play. 

Letters to Aaron Phipps - 21/11/23

After Aaron Phipps' visit, many classes wrote letters and notes to say thanks and he sent a video reply back to Year 5 who sent him over their letters. Read Year 5's letters: Letters to Aaron Phipps.pdf and watch the video reply: Aaron Reply to Year 5 Letters.mp4 

Return of Paralympian Aaron Phipps - 17/11/23

Friend of the school @AaronPhippsGBWR made a welcome return to Long Lane to share his story. All the children were so engaged - listening carefully and asking some fantastic questions. He is truly inspirational and we love having him here. #weallhavechoices

Year 5/6 ESFA Football Finals - 16/11/23

A team of boys from Year 5 and 6 took part in the ESFA Football Finals. They drew their first game and lost the last two in really tight contests. They can all be proud of their efforts!

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby v Other Schools -10/11/23

Two teams of children from Year 5/6 took part in a tag rugby competition against two other schools. Fantastic skills and teamwork from all teams on show - a 6-6 draw between our two teams left everyone feeling satisified!

National Online Safety: Age-appropriate Apps

It can be hard to know what apps and games it's safe to allow your child to access online. These handy guides from National Online Safety contain some suggested age-relevant safer apps and games for children. Visit and follow @natonlinesafety on Twitter for more information and advice about keeping safe online.


Harvest Festival Donations - Thanks (12/10/23)

A huge thanks to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Festival Assembly. New Beginnings Reading will be able to support so many local people as a result of the generosity of our school community. Mrs Maggs had an extremely full car! 

Year 5/6 Boys ESFA Football Competition - 10/10/23

An amazing afternoon of Year 5/6 football against four other West Berkshire schools. After losing the first game 1-0, the boys won the next three without conceding a single goal. This resulted in us topping the table on goal difference - it also means we will attend the Newbury and District finals.


Harvest Festival Donations - 12/10/23

On Thursday 12th October, there will be a harvest festival assembly where children are encouraged to bring in donations to help support the charity New Beginnings Reading.

Year 5/6 Girls' Football v Thorngrove Prep - 09/10/23

A team of girls from Year 5 and 6 took on Thorngrove Prep in a cup match. For a team that haven't played much competitive football, they showed great passion, teamwork and determination. Unfortunately, they lost 3-0 but they should be really proud.

Year 5/6 House Tag Rugby Competition

All children from Year 5 and 6 took part in a tag rugby house competition. Lots of fast-paced action and some great teamwork on show. Unicorn came out on top overall.

Rabbi Svi Visits Year 4 - 05/10/23

Year 4 had their annual visit from Rabbi Svi. Children learnt about the customs and traditions of the Jewish community.

Year 2 Multiskills Festival - 04/10/23

A team of children from Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a multiskills festival at Theale Green. They were a great team who supported each other throughout.

Year 5 and 6 Bikeability

Year 5 and 6 children have been taking part in Level 1 and 2 of Bikeability over the last couple of weeks. They have learnt key cycle safety skills to take with them into their next stages of their lives.

Sports Ambassadors 2023-2024

Say hello to this year's Sports Ambassadors who will be helping get children active at break and lunch as well as leading and officiating at sports events.

Year 5/6 Boys' Football v Hermitage - 28/09/23

A team of Year 5 and 6 boys played Hermitage in the first round of the Bill Mc Cup. A great team performance saw them win 4-0 with two goals each from Henry and Luke.

Italian Lessons start at Long Lane 

 Italian Lessons

We are all really excited to begin our Italian lessons at Long Lane.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed their first lesson of Italian and have been really enthusiastic to learn about the Italian flag and follow some instructional language.

We are very fortunate to be able to offer two Italian clubs;

  • Storytime -  Y1, Y2, and Y3 (before school)
  • Bracelet making – Y4, Y5, Y6 (lunchtime)

Letters will come out for these clubs shortly.

2023 PTA Summer Profit and Total Fundraising

Thanks for all your support over the past year, it’s been busy and we love that the community has rallied round to raise an incredible amount of money for our children’s education. We would love to kick off next year in style – we have set a date for our AGM already, which we will again combine with an epic quiz night with fish & chips served from a local chip shop.

Please put the date in your diaries now – FRIDAY 29th September 7.30pm at school.

Happy summer everyone
Your PTA Committee

2023 Rainbow Class go on a Teddy Bears' Picnic at Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre

On Tuesday 18th July Rainbow Class took their teddy bears  for a picnic at Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre. They had a really lovely day and so did their teddies!!

Thatcham  Nature Discovery Centre has lots of fun activties on during the summer for families to do so go and visit for a great day out! 

2023 PTA Sponsored Colour Run


On 14th July children across the school took part in a sponsored Colour Run organised by the PTA . Even though it was raining the children had a great time running laps around the field, whilst adults sprayed them with colourful powder paint.
A great fun event for the end of term.

Netball Club - Thanks Mrs Walls

Netball   Mrs Walls

A huge thanks to Mrs Walls for running the Year 5/6 netball club this year. She has also agreed to do it next year even though she won't have any children left at Long Lane. 

Year 5 Dodgeball - July 2023

A team of children from Year 5 took part in a dodgeball competition at Theale Green school. The children came joint third but more importantly demonstrates fair play and honesty when participating.

2023 Year 6 At the Park


On 12th July Year 6 had a great day out at the park in Pangbourne. They enjoyed playing in the playground, rounders and eating pizza and ice creams!!

2023 Year 2 Multiskills at Theale Green


On Tuesday 11th July  a  team of children from Year 2 took part in a Multiskills event at Theale Green. They played a variety of different games and scored a whopping 434 points - this saw them win gold medals!

2023 Meet the Teacher

It was lovely to see so many people at the Meet the Teacher evenings last week.
Please visit your new class page to see the transition powerpoints from the meetings.

2023 Year 5 Waterside Centre


On the 6th & 7th  July Year 5 had an amazing couple of days at Wokingham Waterside CentreSo much laughter as well as children conquering fears and challenges. Paddleboarding was a highlight.

2023 Year 1 Visit Bucklebury Farm Park


On 6th JulyYear 1 enjoyed an amazing day at Bucklebury Farm Park learning about all the farm animals. The children saw goats, pigs, sheep and lots more animlas. They were able to touch rabbits and  they enjoyed a tractor ride in the deer park where they feed the deer.

2023 Year 4/5/6 Basketball v Francis Baily

On Thursday 6th July two teams of children took on Francis Baily in some basketball matches. Long Lane 1 and 2 drew with each other and then both teams won both their games against the opposition. Some fantastic individual and team performances on show!


2023 Year 6 Rounders Competition


On Friday 30th June a team of Year 6 children took part in a rounders competition. They beat Birch Copse 13-9 and drew (15-15) with Downsway. It was a great afternoon of friendly competition.

2023 Poem by Year 6 Pupil

2023 Year 6 Class at PGL


Year 6 had a fantastic 3 day residential trip to PGL Liddington. They enjoyed lots of activities including: raft building, climbing, zip wire and so much more. What an amazing end to Year 6!!

2023-06 Archery Event

On Friday 16th June some children from Year 3/4/5/6 took part in an archery event. They played team and individual games - some of which were very frustrating and required a lot of perseverance!


Long Lane Achieve Schools Games Mark Gold Award 2022/23

We are delighted to announce that we, Long Lane Primary School, have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2022/23 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

Please click here to read the press release

With many young people competing in local inter-school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible. As part of our application, we were asked to fulfill criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.

A special thanks to all those involved in supporting Long Lane Primary to be able to achieve what we have this year!

We look forward to applying once again in 2024!

2023 Year 5 & 6 Visitors from Ancient Greece & Egypt

On Monday 12th June Year 5 and 6 had a visitor from Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. They learnt plenty about what life was like in these periods as well as getting to handle some equipment. This visit complemented what we have been learning about in our classes.


2023 PTA Enchanted Extravaganza

Auction of Promise

Please follow this link to log in and BID on some AMAZING experiences - please share with family & friends!
The online part of the auction will close Friday 23rd JUne @ 10pm and bidding will continue at Long Lane Extravaganza concluding @ 3.45pm!

2023-06 Year 1 and 2 Striking and Fielding

On  Friday 9th June Year 1 and 2 took part in a striking and fielding event on the field. Four different fun activities led by the Sports Ambassadors. The most popular activity was trying to knock balls off targets using beanbags!


2023 PTA Father's Day Shop

2023-06 Cricket Competition at Douai Abbey

On Wednesday 6th June a team of children from Year 4/5/6 took part in a cricket competition at Douai Abbey. They beat Francis Baily, Brimpton and Winchcombe in the group stage. They then lost to a really strong Falklands team before beating Woolhampton - this meant they came third overall!


2023-05 Year 5 DT Day at Pangbourne College

On Thursday 25th May Year 5 took part in a Design and Technology workshop at Pangbourne College where they created their own watches. It was a fantastic day and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


2023-05 Year 3/4 House Rounders

On Friday 19th May Year 3 and 4 took part in a house rounders competition in what may be called rather wet conditions. It was so wet that the score sheets disintegrated! Spirits weren’t dampened though and lots of fun was had by all.


2023-05 Art Club Try Lino Printing

The children in Art Club try out lino printing.

2023-05 Year 4 Try Shang Dynasty Cooking

Year 4 children enjoyed a cookery session where they made Ginger Millet Porridge as the Shang Dynasty would have done during the Bronze Age.


PTA Bag 2 School - Fundraising June 2023

Bags 2 School will be collecting from the school office on Wednesday 14th June .

Donations to school office from Monday 12th, but please ensure your bags are in the before 9am on Wednesday.
Thanks, Your PTA

Coronation Picnic 12th May 2023

A family picnic was held on the field to celebrate the King's Coronation.
The afternoon started off with a maypole dancing display from Rainbow Class in the hall. Followed  by the whole school parading around the field dressed in red,white and blue, wearing crowns and waving flags. All the children then sung the National Anthem. The weather was kind and the predicted rain stayed away enabling the children to join their families for a picnic with rousing patriotic music. 
It was so lovely to see everyone - such a great community atmosphere!

2023-05 Year 6 Rounders

Friday 12th May - Year 6 have finished SATs and what better way to celebrate than a house rounders competition with Year 5. Griffin came out as overall winners in a fun and competitive event.

2023-05 Year 3/4 Tri-Golf Event

On Wednesday 10th May a team of children from Year 3 and 4 took part in a Tri-Golf event at Theale Green. They played a range of golf related activities and they came third overall. A really good positive experience for them all.


2023-05 Art Club Make Pots

The children in Art Club made some wonderful pots that they planted up with baby spider plants.

King's Coronation Picnic 12th May 2023

King's coronation picnic letter.pdf

On12th May we invite all the children to wear Red, White and Blue to school, if they would like to do so.
The children are free to wear anything they wish as long as the outfit is Red, White and Blue.
If your child doesn't wish to 'dress down' then they should wear their normal school uniform.

Coronation Celebration Lunch

On Friday 5th May, to celebrate the Coronation, pupils enjoyed a special lunch. 


Huge THANK YOU to Mrs Murtagh-Darling and Miss Rossiter for putting on such a great spread!

King's Coronation Lunch Menu 5th May 2023

Kings Coronation Lunch 5th May 2023.pdf

2023-04 Year 5/6 Football v John Rankin

On Friday 28th April  a team of girls from Year 5 and 6 played football against John Rankin - it was a really tough game which they lost. Whilst that was the case, they never gave up, played as a team and had a good laugh at the same time! 


2023-04 Special Message from Aaron Phipps

Our good friend @AaronPhippsGBWR has sent us message about what he has been up to in preparation for the upcoming Wheelchair Rugby European Championships. He also wished the Year 6s good luck with their SATs. More information about European Championships which take place in Cardiff between 3rd-7th May can be found here:  

Aaron Phipps Message to LL - April 2023.mp4

2023-04 Year 5/6 Football

On Friday 21st April a team of Year 5/6 boys played against Downsway in the cup. It was a tight game throughout and with the score at 3-3 with not long left, our opposition came on strong and won 7-3. The boys kept their heads up and responded well by beating Meadow Park 7-3 in a friendly afterwards.

2023-04 Year 5/6 Netball Finals

A team of Year 5/6 children took part in the Newbury Schools Netball League Finals. Just qualifying for this was a massive achievement! After beating Downsway and Cold Ash and drawing with Francis Baily, we got through to the final against Hermitage. Sadly, we lost to a very strong team in the final but our lot did us proud. Being the second best team in the local area is a fantastic effort!


2023-03 Year 5 Sports Leaders Playmaker Award - Final Session

On Monday 27th March Year 5 had the final session of their Sports Leaders Playmaker Award. They delivered their activity sessions to children in Year 2. Lots of important leadership skills learnt that can now be demonstrated in and out of school.


2023-03 Newbury Cross Country Event

On Tuesday 21st March a team of children from Years 3/4/5/6 took part in a cross country event at Newbury Showground. Brilliant performances by all - they demonstrated many of our secrets of success and represented the school magnificently.



Red Nose 2023 - Thank You

A BIG thank you to everyone who supported Red Nose Day this year. We raised £165.25 - THANK YOU.

Red Nose 2023

We will be celebrating Red Nose Day on Friday 17th March by inviting children to wear something red with a red nose if they wish to. Donations for the charity will be gratefully received. 


2023-03 Year 5 Sports Leaders Playmaker Award

Year 5 are in the middle of their Sports Leaders Playmaker Award. On Monday 13th March, they learnt about the importance of communicating in different ways when leading activities.


2023 - Year 3 Learning about the Stone Age


As part of studying the Stone Age Year 3 have recreated cave paintings in art and followed instructions to make their own woolly mammoths.

2023 Year 6 visit Reading Museum


On Wednesday 8th March Year 6 took the train from Tilehurst into Reading in the snow to visit Reading Museum as part of their Victorian Topic. In the morning they travelled back in time to 1893 to become pupils in a Victorian classroom. They practiced reading, spelling, arithmetic and handwriting. In the afternoon they learnt about the Huntley & Palmer Biscuit factory and the impact it had on Reading.  A great day had by all!

2023-03 Netball Success

On Tuesday 7th March a team of Year 6 and Mia from year 5 played two netball matches. They beat Downsway 6-3 and also beat Birch Copse 7-1. Absolutely brilliant performances from everyone. A huge thanks must also go to Mrs Walls for making so much progress with the team this year!


2023 Year 5 visit Denefield School for languages Morning

On Monday 6th March Year 5 went up to Denefield School for a languages morning. One group tried German whilst the other group learnt about the Hungry Caterpillar in French. Amazing attitudes and engagement by all!!


2023-03 year 3 & 4 Tag Rugby Competition

On Friday 3rd March two teams of Year 3/4 children took part in a tag rugby competition against other schools. Both teams won their first two games and then had to play each other. Long Lane Reds beat Long Lane Blues 8-4. Fantastic attitudes and performanes by all.


2023 Celebrating World Book Day

On Friday 3rd March pupils and staff  dressed up as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day - everyone looked amazing!



2023-02 Year 4 Tudor Day

On Tuesday 28th February Year 4 went back in time to be Tudors for the day. They enjoyed dressing up and reenacting The Battle of Bosworth where Henry Tudor defeated Richard of York and became Henry V11. For lunch they had a fantastic Tudor banquet.



2023-02 Year 5 Gymnastics

Year 5 have just finished our counter balance and counter tension unit of gymnastics - we have been working hard to create excellent sequences on apparatus combining balances and travels.

LPTA - Easy Fundraising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Long Lane School PTA with easyfundraising?

There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

1. Click here and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the brand will make a donation to Long Lane School PTA at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Long Lane School PTA will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.

2023-02 Alternative Olympics

On Friday 24th February some children from Years 2-6 took part in some alternative Olympics activities. They played boccia, kurling and goalball. Lots of fun and laughter whilst learning new skills through new sports.


2023 Mental Health Week - Dress to Express

Our Dress to Express day in Children's Mental health week raised a fantastic  £234.62 to help more young people get the support they need. 

Thank you to everyone for your support.

2023-02 Rainbow Class Orienteering

Rainbow class took part in orienteering activities on Friday 10th February. They had to make faces out of cones using maps and then had to find lots of clues that been dotted around the playground/field. Lots of fun was had by all!


2023 Mental Health Week - 10th February

Please click on the links below for today's Children's Mental Health videos:

2023 Safer Internet Day - 7th February

Online safety advice
Early use of digital technology has been shown to improve language skills and promote children’s social development and creativity. However, it’s not without risks for young children. Unfortunately, they may come across inappropriate content, share personal information or begin to copy what older children do online, which might put them at risk. The following link and document will help you to understand what you can do to give young children aged 6-10 the best experience of going online.

For further advice please refer to our E-Safety page

2023-02 Family Gardening Day - 2

A huge thank you to everyone who came to help on Saturday on our second Gardening Day. Parent helpers did a brilliant job filling planters and planting trees aroung the site - it looks amazing!

Thank you once again.

2023-02 Year 1 & 2 Orienteering

On Friday 3rd February all children from Year 1 and 2 took part in some orienteering activities. They worked together to create faces using maps as well as finding coloured flags around the field using a map of the school.


2023 Year 1 Visit Pikeshaw Woods - Winter

Year 1 enjoyed a walk to Pikeshaw Woods. They worked together to identify plants, trees and animals in the woods.


2023-01 Year 6 Football Tournament

On Friday 27th January a team of Year 6 children took part in a football tournament at Denefield. We were unbeaten after four games - we drew them all!


2023-01 Year 3/4 Orienteering

On Thursday 26th January all children from Year 3 and 4 were orienteering on the field. Great teamwok and perseverance shown when trying to calculate the total of all the mahs questions on the flags.


2023 Year 5 WW2 Evacuation Day

Year 5 were evacuated on Monday 23rd January - they experienced life in a World War Two school including military drill, cookery, arithmetic, handwriting as well as trying spam and corned beef!


2023-01 Year 5/6 Orienteering

On Friday 20th January Year 5 and 6 took part in an orienteering event on the field. They were using a map of the school to help them find flags - some coloured and some with times tables on. Great perseverance on show when having to calculate the final total


2023 Year 2 Polar Express Trip

Year 2 were welcomed onto the Polar express, on Wednesday 18th January, where they were able to join the train ride to the North Pole.  On the way they drank hot chocolate and played games with each other.  We took the opportunity to pause on and off to think about what we could see, hear and taste to build our adjectives.  We used similes to describe our hot chocolate. 'We drank hot chocolate as thick and rich as melted chocolate'.

Finally, Year 2 finished the experience watching the first part of the Polar Express.  
It was lovely to see the class excited and engaged in the experience.  
We are using this experience to write a diary as the boy in the Polar Express.

2023-01 Energy Club

On Friday 13th January lots of children attended the first Energy Club of 2023. Plenty of fun games played - all led by the Sports Ambassadors


2023-01 Year 5/6 Archery Event

On Thursday 12th January a team of Year 5/6 children took part in an archery event at Theale Green. They came 5th out of 12 schools and were a credit to Long Lane.


2023-01 Year 5/6 Football

On Friday 6th January a team of Year 5/6 boys played two matches. They beat Robert Sandilands 2-1 and drew with Hermitage 1-1. All matches were played in a wonderful spirit.

A Christmas Bedtime Story

All through December staff have been reading special Christmas bedtime stories that you can share with your children.

Click here or on the picture to find the stories 

We hope you enjoy them all!

Merry Christmas from all the staff at Long Lane.

2022 Rainbow Class Nativity

Rainbow class enjoyed performing their Nursery Rhyme Nativity to the school and parents this week. Well done everyone!

2022 A Magical Christmas Journey

This week Years 1 & 2 brilliantly perfomed their play - A Magical Christmas Journey.

Thank you to everyone for all the hardwork putting on these fabulous productions. 

2022-12 Winter Elf-lympics

On Friday 16th December the whole school enjoyed a wonderful festive afternoon taking part in the Winter Elf-lympics. There were 12 Christmas themed activities led by the Sports Ambassadors and House Captains.


2022-12 Year 6 Netball Matches

On Tuesday 13th December a team of Year 6 netballers braved the freezing conditions to play two matches. They beat Theale 4-0 and lost to Pangbourne 6-3. Fantastic performances from everyone!


KS1 Christmas Party


For Years 1 & 2.

KS2 Christmas Party

For Years 3,4,5 and 6.

PTA Christmas Cracker

Friday 2nd December 4pm to 7pm

 Please click on the links below for more  details:

2022-12 Year 5/6 Football

On Thursday 1st December a team of Year 5/6 boys took on Calcot Junior School in the first round of the Bill Mc Cup. A fantastic game played in a sporting yet competitive spirit saw us eventually win 3-2.


2022 Children In Need


2022-11 Year 6 take part in Alternative Olympics

On Wednesday 23rd November six delightful children from Year 6 took part in an alternative Olympics event at Theale Green. Lots of new activities such as boccia, seated volleyball, archery and kurling were tackled by the team who came second in their overall group.


New Mental Health & Wellbeing Page

At Long Lane the mental health and wellbeing of our children and families is of the utmost importance to us. We understand that there may be times when our pupils and maybe their families too, may need additional support. We pride ourselves on being an approachable and caring school, with safeguarding at the heart of all we do. We encourage you to come and speak with us if you have any concerns for your child’s or your own wellbeing.

Please click here  to visit our new Mental Health and Wellbeing Page

It can also be located from the Key Information tab menu dropdown.

2022-11 Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Competition

On Friday 18th November two teams of Year 5/6 children took part in a tag rugby competition here at Long Lane. Really close games with incredible attacking and defending on show!


2022-11 Year 4 have a visit from Rabbi Zvi Solomons

On Thursday 17th November Year 4 had a visit from Rabbi Zvi Solomons from the Jewish Community of Berkshire and learned about Jewish family life and had a synagogue tour in the hall! 



2022-11 Speed Stacking Event Years 1-6

On Thursday 17th November two children from each year group took part in a speed stacking event at Theale Green School. Lots of quick stacking and loads of fun!


PTA Christmas Cracker Donation Week

Family Gardening Day


A huge thank you to everyone who came out to help on Saturday with the gardening day especially to Miss Penn for organising. Amazing community spirit and so much got done..

Thank you once again.

Christmas Dates to Remember

2022 Remembrance Commemoration



Year 1 have made poppies  to remember those that  fought for peace.

Poppy sales raised £371.28 for the Royal British Legion.

2022 Family Gardening Day


PTA Quiz Night 2022

On the 4th November the PTA held another great Quiz Night. A huge thank you to the PTA for organising with a special thank you to the quiz master - Mrs Straker!
Congratulations to our winning staff team -'The Ladies and The Tramp'.

2022-11 Y1 & 2 Tag Rugby

On Friday 4th November all children from Year 1 & 2 took part in tag rugby activities. Four different fun games involving lots of tagging and running led superbly by the Sports Ambassadors.


2022 Year 1 Visit Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre

On Thursday 20th October, Year 1 visited Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre  to learn about Autumn. Whilst blind folded they used their senses to smell, feel & hear autumn. They learnt about animals that hibernate, made a bird feeder and played lots of autumn games. Even though it was pouring down with rain the children had an absolutely amazing time.


2022 Long Lane PTA Christmas Fun

2022 PTA Quiz Night with Fish & Chips


2022 -10 Y5 & 6 Netball & Tag Rugby at Denefield

Children  from Year 5 & 6 took part in a tag rugby and netball competition on 17th October at Denefield. Both teams won two and lost one of their three games. A great effort - well done all!



2022 -10 Y3 & 4 House Tag Rugby

All children from Year 3 & 4 took part in a house tag rugby competition on 14th October in increasingly wet conditions. Lots of great tagging and try scoring on show with Unicorn getting the most points overall.


2022 KS1 Multi-skills Event

Six children from  Year 2  took part in a multi-skills event at Theale Green on  6th October. Absolutely brilliant throwing, stacking, shooting, rolling and many more skills demonstrated by all. Final score of 313 saw them come 3rd out of 12 schools!


2022 -10 Y5 & 6 House Tag Rugby

Year 5 & 6 took part in a tag rugby house competition on  6th October in beautiful sunshine. Brilliant passing, tagging and try scoring on show which saw Phoenix come out as overall winners!



2022 PTA AGM & Quiz Night Rescheduled




2022 PTA October Newsletter

Click the following link for the full newsletter PTA news Oct 2022.pdf

Music Lessons with Hogan Music

2022 Sports Ambassadors Run Their First Energy Club

The first Energy Club was led by the Sports Ambassadors on Friday 30th September - great turn out of Year 2/3/4 children.

2022 Welcome Message from our new Sports Ambassadors

Pleae click here to listen to a special message from our new Sports Ambassadors.

2022 Year 2 Visit Didcot Railway Centre


On Wednesday 21st September, Year 2  travelled by train from Tilehurst to visit Didcot Railway Centre for a fantastic day learning about steam railways and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They  had a trip on a steam train, visited the engine sheds and learnt about the jobs on the railways.

PTA Bag 2 School - Fundraising Sept 2022

Her Majesty The Queen

 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022 

Long Lane Primary School is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving British monarch who demonstrated service, commitment and dedication throughout her reign.  Our deepest sympathies are with the Royal Family at this time. 
News | The Royal Family  

Following the very sad news of the Queen's passing, we will be holding an assembly at school with the children and staff to remember, celebrate and give thanks to her Majesty's life and service.  If your children have any questions about this news, there is a wealth of child friendly material on the internet to support their understanding.