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Long Lane Primary is a Community School, opened in April 1966 and maintained by West Berkshire Council. There are around 210 children on roll who are taught in seven classes. We invest in Teaching Assistants, who support the work of whole classes, small groups, and individual children.  

We have a large playing field, two smaller playgrounds, one large playground and an outdoor learning environment, which serves the needs of the Foundation Stage children.We also have an outdoor area for Year 1 and Year 2 and are working on our continuous provision within the KS1 setting.

The school is very well equipped with ICT equipment. We have a suite of PCs plus 2 or 3 computers in each classroom and, from Reception to Year 6 each room has a large screen TV. Our whole school network encompasses over 100 PCs and laptops. We have wireless connectivity across the whole site. In order to make the most of the technology we also have a growing number of laptops, some with touch screens. The children love using them! 

Teaching is class based and children are grouped flexibly to meet their learning needs. Children are given learning activities to complete with parents at home as well as other regular activities to practise. Our reading scheme is the ‘Accelerated Reader’ programme which draws upon books from a wide range of publishers. The school teach a subject specific curriculum, that supports links with themes where relevant. We offer a wide variety of active and exciting opportunities across the year groups with a planned progression of skills and knowledge in each subject. Curriculum maps can be found for each class on our website and show Learning Objectives that can be used to support your child’s learning

Personal development

At Long Lane we are fully committed to developing a holistic approach to learning which includes supporting all pupils with personal development skills from their starting points. We acknowledge that all children have different lived experiences and personalities and strive to instil intrinsic values that support ‘self motivation’, their ‘love of learning’ and ‘being a good learner’. We do this through the promotion of ‘Secrets of Success’. Alongside this we adopt a Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour that encourages empathy and understanding of feelings and supports all pupils to display pro-social behaviours and to talk through negative behaviours and learn from them. In order to give children a balanced and inclusive perspective on society, the school teach from the Jigsaw scheme for PSHE.

Active and outdoor learning

Long Lane School encourages active and outdoor learning wherever possible. We have extensive grounds with a variety of equipment for pupils to play and explore. All infant classes have an outside area with opportunities for continuous provision and outdoor learning. Forest School opportunities are provided in some Year groups (this is offsite provision) and there is an outdoor classroom on the school field. Further opportunities are provided with a wide range of sporting activities, resources and coaching through extra curricular clubs. Please see Sports Premium page.

Extra Curricular

The school believes in the many benefits to be derived from music and through visiting teachers have offered tuition in Strings, Drums, Guitar, Brass, Violin, Woodwind, Piano and Keyboard and we have a school choir. We offer a variety of after school clubs, many of a sporting nature, which teachers and outside organisations run on a termly basis.

We have a simple uniform policy which is popular with parents and children alike.

The Long Lane Parent Teacher Association (PTA), a charity run by volunteer parents, is active and well supported by parents. It raises in the region of £20,000 each year, which is spent on various activities and resources at the School’s request.


The Governing Body is drawn from a variety of backgrounds including finance, legal, healthcare, secondary education, local government and school staff. The work of the governors is divided between two committees.

Prospectus & Statutory Information

Governors & School Policies

Financial Information

  • Benchmarking - Here is a link to the schools financial benchmarking website where the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statement of income, expenditure and balances is published:  Schools Financial Benchmarking  
  • Individuals Earning over £100,000 - There are no individuals earning over £100,000 employed by Long Lane Primary School

Our School Day

Timings of the school day

8.45 am – Door open for children to come into school
8.55 am – Official start of the school day
3.15 pm – School day finishes

Break time

10.25 - 10.45am


12:00 -:1:00pm  Infant
12.15 - 1.15pm Juniors


Monday        – 10.00 - 10.25 am - all
Tuesday        –10.00 - 10.25 am - all 
Wednesday  –  Picture News in class 
Thursday      – 10:00 - 10:25 Singing Assembly - Juniors
Thursday      – 10:30 -11:00 Singing Assembly - Infants
Friday           – 10:00 -10:25 am -all